Principles: 1. Easy to understand 2. Easy to use 3. Easy to make your mark here Purpose of this site: During my time at 171, i was frustrated by the inability of my peers to take advantage of internet to study. This is partially due to misinterpretation of the use of the internet. Well, most teachers and parents think of internet as something bad, addictive. however, such stereotypes underestimate the benefits of using internet to study. Here are some reasons why internet can help you: 1. In the ever changing world, internet-based technology can deliver the knowledge in almost no time compared to traditional slow communication methods i.e. books, human interaction 2. Students can get response almost instantly from the internet, this means no phone calls, no travel. hooray!!!:) 3. Students can discuss the problems with their peers who can understand each other better than teachers do 4. Most importantly, if internet can help them solve their problems, would you pay $$$ for going to your teacher's house to study? :) |